Booking a Transport with Ornge?

If this is a Life or Limb Call, please contact CritiCall: 1-800-668-4357 (HELP).

  • Step 1: Obtain MT Number through the Provincial Transfer Access Centre (PTAC) 
    (Please note: Nursing Stations may skip this step)
  • Step 2: Contact our Operations Control Centre at 1.833.401.5577. Ornge Communications Officers are available 24/7.

Ornge Head Office

Address: 5310 Explorer Drive, Mississauga ON, L4W 5H8

Phone: 647.428.2005 or 1.800.251.6543 | Fax: 647.428.2006

Email: | Hours: Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Are you a Healthcare Partner trying to book a Patient Transport?  Visit the Healthcare Partners section of our website.

Provincial Transfer Authorization Centre

The Provincial Transfer Authorization Centre (PTAC) is funded by the Ministry of Health and administered on its behalf by Ornge.  PTAC maintains a database of patient transfers into/out of and within the province of Ontario.  In the event of an infectious disease outbreak, PTAC also offers an online tool to screen for respiratory diseases prior to inter-facility patient transport within Ontario.